Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Looks like I've been tagged

Wanna-be-5K-er tagged me. I'm tagging anyone who reads this and has a blog. It's pretty fun.

4 Jobs I've Had:
1. Retail Associate at Rainbow store
2. Student stuffer/filer/courier
3. ESL instructor (volunteer, but I count that)
4. Computer Programmer

4 Movies I Watch Over and Over:

1. Sound of Music
2. While You Were Sleeping
3. ????
4. Don't watch a lot of movies!

4 Places I Have Lived:
1. Boynton Beach, FL
2. College
3. Home
4. Where I am now…

4 TV Shows I Watch:
1. American Idol
2. Design on a Dime
3. Design To Sell
4. The Backyardigans (Hey, I have kids)

4 Places I've Been on Vacation:

1. Ghana
2. Seattle
3. Florida
4. New Haven

4 Websites I Visit Everyday:
1. Google
2. Blogger
3. CoolRunning
4. Yahoo Groups

4 Favorite Foods:
1. Pizza
2. Mexican.
3. Chinese
4. Chocolate

4 Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:

1. Florida
2. Australia
3. Grand Canyon
4. I'm actually glad I'm here:)

4 Favorite Bands/Singers:
1. Whitney Houston (Before the Bobby Brown Influence)
2. CeCe Winans (with BeBe and also solo)
3. Fred Hammond
4. Harry Connick Jr.

4 Favorite Books
1. Captivating by John & Staci Elderedge
2. Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
3. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
4. Not been able to read like I’d like.

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