Thursday, July 06, 2006

How do you chew an elephant?

One bite at a time. Well I skipped yesterday because I was exhausted from the 4th. We had a blast with our friends and neighbors. So got up this morning. The weather was great. I would say high 60s. I hit the course at 6:35 am and wanted to see just how long I could run. Well, I finished my first mile without taking a break. That was in about 11 minutes. Then came miles 2 and 3. Mile 2, I was moving pretty good, then I felt the needle begin to tip, tip, tip. By mile 3 I was almost on fumes, but I ran to the finish point. I'm just happy that I was able to complete that first mile non-stop. One mile at a time...

Anyway, I finished in 41:50. That's 13:56. So looks like the walk breaks really do help in terms of my pace.


Mmem said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats on running a mile nonstop! Wow!!!!!

boatgirl said...

Thanks! How was your trip?