Monday, August 07, 2006

Sunday Night Live...

Well, before last night, my shoes were in the closet since last Tuesday. DH wanted to go out early Sunday morning before church, but I didn't think we would be done in time so we waited until 8:30 pm. While riding in the car, the temperature was announced to be 95 degrees downtown. Great. Another hot one. But it's summer time so what do you expect. We needed to do 10 miles and did not necesarily want to come to our car until we were done. With that in mind, DH recommended that we do a couple of mini-loops within the park to make up the additional 4 miles and still just to one lap. Not a bad idea. At least we thought. :)

I really don't know how many miles we did. I do know that it was more than six and less than 11. We also had a lot of stops and walking. It's to the point now where I can not make any excuses. I just need to walk when it's time to walk and run when it's time to run. Period.

On thing though was that I was kinda feeling weak. So I do need to carry food with me to munch on. It's good that I'm really learning this now instead of 11 weeks from now.

So here's our time with possible paces.


8 miles = 15:40 min/mile
9 miles = 13:55 min/mile
10 miles = 12:32 min/mile

So, only God knows our actual mileage, but I'll take the 9 miles since it's the median. :)

Have a good one.

1 comment:

Mmem said...

Whatever the milage, that is pretty darn far!!!! WTG!!!!