Monday, August 28, 2006

Some things are out of our control...

Well Saturday was DH's birthday. And we had another 15 miler scheduled. My dear friend came over again and babysat our kiddos for us in the wee hours. (When we got back, she said she was able to sleep pretty much the whole time. For that I'm glad). We got to the park right around 6 am. It was already raining pretty hard. We did see a teammate's car, so we were encouraged. We went the opposite way of the course so we could meet them along the way. By the time we got to the 1 mile mark of where we started, we say them. Apparently both B. and R. had gotten there around 5 am since they were finishing their first lap. They're fast... :) It was R's birthday too, so we greeted one another with Happy Birthday wishes in the rain.

It continued to rain and thunder for about 11 of the 15 miles. Yes, we were running in the rain for close to 3 hours. We did see another set of teammates working it out. I guess, we all figured that we just have to suck it up and keep going. There were more people in the park than I expected. A huge group from the Team in Training.

By the time it was over, we were both drenched, but we finished. And shaved off 3 minutes from out last outing.

So 15 miles. 3:27:25 (13:49 min/mile pace).

Next week is either 16 or 17. Eithe way it's long. Prayerfully, no rain. Or at least not a downpour. A nice intermittent drizzle is ok. :)

1 comment:

Mmem said...

Holy cow, you ran 15 miles?!?!?! Unbelievable, great! And in the rain?? You are hard core. :-P

That is just awesome. I am in awe!!!

Thanks also for your r/w comments on my blog, glad to see I'm not a "cheater" if I do it that way!!!