Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm in the book...

We received our official finisher's certificates and books last week for Chicago. I'm in print!! Way cool. I got it the same day that I posted that I was not going to do the HM. But I haven't changed my mind.

My friend and I are going to do the 5K the Saturday before the HM/Marathon. So that is a good goal to shoot for.

Hugs to you all and thanks for stopping by today.


J~Mom said...

A 5K is great!! Yay!!

Congrats on being in the book!!

Wes said...

Hurrah! 5Ks are so much fun. Good for you. and good for you for being in the book too!

Mmem said...

So exciting!!!! I am having a hard time finding a 5 or 10K in February/March!:-(

How cool that you are in PRINT! This is why you are an inspiration to me:-)

TX Runner Mom said...

A 5K is a great goal! There will be other HMs, so when the timing is right, you can always go for it. And, hooray for being in the book! I just got mine in the mail too!