Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My plan...

Looks like I have a little plan. My husband and I are kicking around the Chicago Distance Classic. It's a HM and the course is actually cool as it takes you along Lakeshore Drive. So that's the plan. Once it warms up, I can hit the roads again. If we can't swing Chicago, there's a HM here in September. Either way, I'm training for something.

It's balmy here at around 60 today. Sun is out out. Snow didn't stand a chance in surviving.

Still shooting for the 5K in April. If nothing else that will serve as a good short term goal to stay motivated.

Thanks so much for the kind words, you all are great.

Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm in the book...

We received our official finisher's certificates and books last week for Chicago. I'm in print!! Way cool. I got it the same day that I posted that I was not going to do the HM. But I haven't changed my mind.

My friend and I are going to do the 5K the Saturday before the HM/Marathon. So that is a good goal to shoot for.

Hugs to you all and thanks for stopping by today.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Decision has been made...

Hello everyone.

There are 10 weeks left until the St. Louis HM. I have not started and two of those weeks are committed to other things.


For this

Does not mean that I am not going to do another one this year, just not STL. We have a lot going on right now and to say that I can be all and do all is absolutely prideful and unrealistic.

There. I said it. That was for me.

So I will live the HMs of the spring and being a virtual cheerleader for everyone. I'm still online and don't plan on going anywhere.

So that's what's going on with me. I know you all understand.